Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Aesthete's Alphabet - Z is for Zinc

I started my Alphabet series in January this year. I can't believe that's it taken me almost a whole year to get through it. It has mostly been fun, but there were days when I wondered why I started it! As all bloggers know, sometimes it is easy to come up with new material and other times, it feels like pulling teeth! One of the things that always puts me back on track is when I get comments from readers like these: 

Hi Sharon,
I just love your blog...all the beautiful images. Sometimes when I need inspiration I scroll back through your lovely posts and my spirit lifts.
Thank you for all the gorgeousness you dish up to us!

OH MY GOSH!!!!! You have made me LOVE yellow again......I think the "sunflower era" of several years ago, which I initially loved, and then grew very tired of when is was so overused..... made me steer clear.....but...with your have breathed new life and sophistication into this golden shade....I'm going for a "walk" through my home to see where I might use it!!.......Thank You......

This "yellow" post made me happy. I loved the rooms you've selected (as always) and the subtle use of the color still had a huge effect on each room where you only see a few accents of the color. What a fun year it has been with your alphabet series. Z? That will be interesting, but I trust you have some great ideas.

And the comment that gave me the idea for today's post...

What about ZINC, as in the beautiful ZINC pitchers and pots I love so much for your last alphabet post? Thank you for your wonderful blog! I have so enjoyed the alphabet. I really enjoyed the yellow decor. I recently painted my living room a beautiful grey and I put a yellow hutch in the room. Beautiful contrast of colors. Thank you for so much inspiration!

I am so appreciative of all your comments and emails! Without these it would feel like each post I publish is just going into a big black hole!

On to today's post....zinc. It isn't really a material that springs to mind when thinking about interiors. It's origins date back as far back as the 13th century, and it is still used extensively in industry. When used in homes, it has tended to be very much for utilitarian purposes, until more recently when its popularity has emerged in decorating trends such as vintage, shabby chic, Belgian and industrial inspired decor. It has a down to earth, honest appeal, devoid of bling and ostentation, which is why it appeals to me. 

It can be used for a multitude of purposes....table tops for example....

.... cupboard, shelves and desks....




....on your patio... the garden...

...and finally, zinc for Christmas. Yes please!

And that, my dear friends, concludes The Aesthete's Alphabet. I hope you have enjoyed it. I will be back soon with something new.

Till next time

Sharon x

Images: 1. Atelier de Campagne, 2 & 3 Decorpad, 4., 5. Elle Decor, 6.Decor Steals, 7-9, Restoration Hardware, 10. Eclectic Pause, 11., 12. Restoration Hardware, 13. Kate's Creative Space, 14. Pinterest 15. Susan Cohan gardens, 16. Farmhouse Musings, 17. Deborah Silver, 18. Tone on Tone, 19. Hydrangea Hill Cottage, 20. Tumblr, 21. Decorpad, 22. A Happy Habitat, 23. Plum Sienna, 24. Pinterest, 25. Cote De Texas, 26. Decorpad 27. Zabello Design, 28. Decorpad, 29. Eloquence, 30. Atelier de Campagne, 31 Pinterest, 32. Restoration Hardware, 33. Trove Trading, 34, Sophie Conran, 35 - 40. Pinterest.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Aesthete's Alphabet - Y is for yellow

Yellow is commonly associated with gold, wealth, sunshine, reason, happiness, optimism and pleasure. In short - a happy colour. The color yellow is also the colour of the mind and the intellect. 
This colour relates to acquired knowledge. It is the colour which resonates with the left or logic side of the brain stimulating our mental faculties and creating mental agility and perception. Being the lightest hue of the spectrum, the colour psychology of yellow is uplifting and illuminating, offering hope, happiness, cheerfulness and fun. In the meaning of colours, yellow inspires original thought and inquisitiveness. Yellow is the best colour to create enthusiasm for life and can awaken greater confidence and optimism. So there you go - what's not to love about yellow!

Well, it's been a long haul, but the Aesthete's alphabet is nearly at an end. I do, however, still have "Z" to contend with and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Have a great week ahead.

Till next time
Sharon x

Images: 1. Veranda, 2. Pinterest, 3. Zsa Zsa Bellagio, 4. Searching for Style, 5. Fable and Flame, 6-7 Tumblr, 8. Elle Decor 9. Brooke Gianetti, 10-14 Pinterest 15. Casa Decorada, 16. Room Envy Blog, 17. Photo - Matthew Hunt, 18 - 26 Pinterest, 27-28. Tumblr, 29 - 33 Pinterest