Sunday, March 25, 2012

Monday Musings - Loving or Loathing Laundry


Monday is the day we change all our bed linen so it's a big wash day in our house. Laundry really feels like a real chore but maybe the solution is to make it into a pleasure rather than a pain.


Women the world over have been doing it for centuries and I'm sure, will be doing it for centuries to come.

Via Etsy

Using beautiful wicker baskets instead of plastic, old fashioned dolly pegs and sweet smelling laundry products will all help to make it less of a chore.

Via Tumblr

Via Tumblr

Via Tumblr

Via Tumblr

Via Moonlight Rainbow on Tumblr

Via Pinterest

Via Linda Jackman Photography

I once went to a talk about caring for linen and the expert told us that a lovely way to dry freshly washed  linen was to lie it on a chamomile lawn and it would smell wonderfully sweet!

Via The Inside Story

I just need to quickly plant a chamomile lawn.


Via mmmarly on Tumblr

Via mmmarly on Tumblr

Via Today's Wanderings on Tumblr

Via Tumblr

Via Tumblr

Via Tumblr

As much as I love all the old fashioned laundry equipment - I'm very relieved that we live in the age of washing machines - imagine having to do it all by hand!

Via Life as a House


Via Georgiana Design on Tumblr



I'd love to stay and chat, but I have laundry to do.

Till next time

Sharon x


  1. Sharon, who knew laundry could be so beautiful??? Now if you want to see reality, I have a laundry in my basement... LOL

  2. Since I have wonderful machines I don't mind laundry. I can't wait for the weather to get warm so I can hang the sheets out back to dry on the line! Great pictures Sharon!

    Enjoy your Sunday evening!


  3. I love doing laundry. I have a great room with a big window, and it is just plain fun. I remember my grandma doing laundry every Monday, and it was pure labor for her.

  4. What beautiful images. I don't hate doing laundry, but don't love it either. I have been working on ours today. Now I need to do what I truly hate and that is iron a few pieces.

  5. Having a laundry room like these would make me want to do laundry!!

  6. Me too! There is a full load in the dryer that is probably a big wrinkled mess. Gorgeous photos.

  7. Hi Sharon,
    My laundry room is in the garage so it's never been that fun to do laundry but these spaces in your post could certainly do a lot to make laundry day more fun.

  8. My guilty pleasure would be to own the French laundry basket from Pottery Barn!

    I'm having tea with your savvy little tale of laundry!

    Happy New Week, Sharon!

  9. I think I'm one of those weird people who actually enjoy doing laundry, haha. But I stopped changing our bedlinen every week a long time ago because it felt as if I was washing clean bedlinen all the time. I only change the pillow cases every week and that has lessened the laundry workload ;-)

    Enjoy your laundry day!

  10. You almost make laundry look fun!! xo Leslie

  11. What a wonderful post to glamorize laundry day.
    I love the images.
    Although I haven't tried to wash my own clothes
    you make it seem so much fun.

  12. Sharon, beautiful pictures. The smell of camomile would be wonderful. My laundry room is always filled with clothes waiting for the next step...

    1. sometimes I love it sometimes I don't but if laundry or my surroundings are this pretty, I don't think I'd mind :)

  13. well when i look at your post Sharon, i love laundry, it’s almost romantic... (i don’t feel quite that way when i look at my laundry basket!!)

  14. your blog is really eye catching and beautiful. I’m glad you posted something like this one. thanks so much for sharing!
    launderette gold coast

  15. I'm one of those weird people who actually enjoy doing laundry, haha. But I stopped changing our bedlinen every week a long time ago because it felt as if I was washing clean bedlinen all the time. I only change the pillow cases every week and that has lessened the laundry workload ;-)
