Saturday, March 26, 2011


Autumn has arrived at my house. I am happy! I was so over summer! I might have a change of heart when the rain comes and I see all my northern blog friends post pictures of spring and summer scenes! But, for now, I am happy!


I like the soft light of Autumn after the harsher light of summer. These pictures below say Autumn to me........

(Source unknown)
(Via Tongue in Cheek)

(source unknown)

(Via Happy to Design)

(Via Lulliloo)

(Via Reese and Marie)

(Source unknown)

(Source unknown)

(Source unknown)

(Via Home Maker in Training)

So Goodbye Summer - till we meet again!

Till next time

Sharon x


  1. I'm happy for summer to be over too. It was far too humid this year, can't wait for winter. Beautiful pictures! Leahxx.

  2. What lovely images!
    It is so difficult for me to comprehend that you are anticipating falling leaves while we are waiting for beach weather! It boggles my little mind!

    Happy Weekend, my friend!


  3. Thanks for your lovely images...

    Autumn is nice too,
    there is calmness and quiet that I remember about autumn:)

  4. Thank you for the lovely autumn images. I am gearing up for spring here in Ontario ;-)

  5. Spring and Fall are my two favorite seasons. I am not a big fan of the hot summer heat!! Sharon the entrance to your home is beautiful!!Have a great weekend, Martina

  6. We are still so hot and bothered so we are looking forward to Autumn too. Fiona

  7. great to discover your lovely blog. What wonderful posts. Can't wait to see more.

    Best Regards,
    Renee and Angela

  8. What lovely pictures! Autumn is my *favorite* time of year, so it's fun to see what's going on in the other half of the world. Thanks for visiting RedHenHome!

  9. Gorgeous images Sharon!!! You find the best ones.

    It blows my mind to think of you and my Australian blogging friends anticipating autumn while we are so looking forward to spring! It's just like the time change...while we are up have coffee others are down for the night.

    Happy Weekend!
    Pamela ox

  10. Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I see your boys are young. My boys are all starting to leave the nest. I am ready for them to go...not all at once mind you...but I miss the days when they were little. Your home is lovely...what style you have. I have become a follower and will visit often. How strange it is to see you post about Autumn...and we are still wishing for Spring to appear...anywhere around us. I always felt that Autumn was a more peaceful time of year...enjoy!

  11. Happy fall! I'm looking forward to spring. My first batch of roses are in bloom and the peonies are popping up. Have a great weekend!

  12. Nice pictures! It's funny that you are going into we are trying to coast the sun to come out of hiding! Thank you btw for visiting my blog the other day and the nice comments!
    Have a great day!
