Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Calming Spaces


We are holidaying in Plettenberg Bay with the boys at the moment. So relaxing! I hope you appreciate the effort I am going to, to put together a blog post for you. I have forced myself to come to my favourite French coffee shop, Le Fournil, to have a latte and delicious almond croissant and take advantage of their free WiFi!

One of my favourite things about going on holiday is while you are driving to your destination, that feeling of all the stresses of everyday living slowly leaving your body. I can literally feel my shoulder muscles unclenching and that relaxing feeling slowly making it's way down the rest of my body. (Do you know what I'm talking about! If you don't - you need a holiday!!) Unless you are one of those lucky people who feels permanently relaxed.

The selection of pictures I'm showing you today give me that same calm, relaxed feeling I get when going on holiday. No jarring colours, very little accessorising, nothing to assault the senses, just serene and peaceful.

No more commentary .... that would require more effort than I'm really feeling up to right now, plus I have that almond croissant to tuck into! Enjoy!

Till next time
x Sharon
Image source: 1. Unknown, 2. Afflante, 3. Zsa Zsa Bellagio, 4. Axel Vervoordt, 5. Tiny White Daisies, 6. This Ivy House, 7. Tracery Interiors,  8&9 Charming Spaces, 10. Nicole Frazen, 11. Dying of Cute, 12. Zsa Zsa Bellagio 13. Inspiration Station, 14. Henhurst Interiors, 15. Tumblr   16 Cote de Texas 17. Crush Cul de Sac  18. Decorare, 19 Zsa Zsa Bellagio 20. Decorare, 21, Crush Cul de Sac 22. Crush Cul de Sac 23. In His Grip 24. Providence Design


  1. Beautiful pics, as always! I'm so impressed that you posted while on vacation. You're a better blogger than me :) Enjoy that croissant and latte and RELAX!!

  2. Gorgeous Sharon. This simple decor is a wonderful change from all the clutter that seems to accumulate in our living spaces. I think more clearly and feel better overall when I live more simply. Have a nice weekend! xxleslie

  3. lovely pics!!!

  4. You are very appreciated Miss Sharon:) Thanks for the calm....

  5. Sharon,
    What lovely images. I'm relaxing in Austin with my granddaughter and family. These images sealed the deal. I'm totally relaxed.

    Enjoy your vacation.

  6. Sharon you amaze me, even on holiday you find the best pictures. I hope you're having a wonderful and relaxing time!


  7. Sharon...hope your having a wonderful time....thanks for posting a beautiful post...

  8. I agree with Deborah! Amazing that you could put together such a fabulous post on are amazing...have fun with the family!
