Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Aesthete's Alphabet - M is for Mannequin

 Apologies for my little blogging mojo deserted me for a while, but I am back (and incidentally, just exceeded 1 million pageviews on my humble little blog - nice motivation to keep going!)
 I have accumulated so many pictures of mannequins over the years so this was a great opportunity to share them. I particularly like the ones that are a bit weathered and worn, but you probably know that about me by now! Whether adorned or left bare, they definitely add an interesting dimension to an interior. Feast your eyes.....

Well, now I am exactly half way with my alphabet....phew! The next post will be N for ..... (your guess is as good as mine)
Wishing you all a lovely week.
Till next time
Sharon x

Image source: 3 Casa Decorada 15 Maison Décor 22. Ticking and Toile Blog 25 Estilio Rustica
All other photos via Tumblr and Pinterest


  1. Hi Sharon,
    Welcome back. I've no room for a mannequin but I love the look of the vintage ones you've shared here. It doesn't hurt that the rooms they're in in your post, are fabulous. No surprise. You always share the best images.
    Have a great week.

  2. Congrats on all the page views! I'm not surprised...beautiful post!

  3. This is one trend that I do not totally get. I have used mannequins in show houses etc but thinky they are kind of creepy in my own decor. I am thinking these are going to be like shag carpet one day!!

  4. What wonderful mannequins and I especially love the ones with jewelry - welcome back!!

  5. Gorgeous mannequins !! I love it :) Greetings from Polish,Joanna :)

  6. How about NEST for you aesthete alphabet letter "n" - it is spring time and there are so many lovely nests! Love your blog!

  7. Congrats to the million visits to your blog, and these photos are all so inspiring I can so see why you have collected them.

    Beautiful week to you


  8. Lovely well done and tasteful! I love mannequins especially the vintage ones from France. Do I have one, no, but I can render paintings of them and that is what I have started. Just completed my first one and will paint at least a series of three.
