Vivez Bien * Live Well

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monday Musings - Hearth and Home

Due to an Internet glitch, I am only posting my Monday Musings on Tuesday! So apologies for the delay, but perhaps it is still Monday somewhere in the world?

Via Cote de Sud

Some new clients of mine are planning to renovate their fireplace which got me to thinking about the type of fireplaces that I love. And since we are in the grip of winter here in Cape Town, I thought it fitting to show you my collection of favourite fireplaces. 

Via Belgian Pearls

Via Latte Lisa

Via Campagne Decoration

Via Beautiful Room of the House Blog

Via Pinterest

Via Greige

Via Decorpad

Via My Paradissi

Via Particular Poetry

Via House Beautiful

Via House Beautiful

Via Doesn't cost the earth

Via Cote de Sud

Via Cote de Texas

Source unknown

Source unknown

Via I Heart Shabby Chic

Via Roses and Rust

Via Roses and Rust

So why don't you light the fire, pour yourself a glass of red, and sit and contemplate which of these you like best?

Via Barbie is a Bitch on Tumblr

Till next time

Sharon x


  1. All gorgeous fire places you have has been raining and almost cold enough for lighting a fire here in France too! I have to say winter and being cozy in front of open fire is my absolute favorite time of the year..Colette x

  2. Those fireplaces looks amazing,
    it is raining here right now
    and I could only wish we have one
    so that I could sit beside it and feel the fire's warmth.
    Oh and I would definitely bring a hot choco to have a drink with my little son.

  3. Ohhh Sharon I am so happy to be back reading my favourite blogs and of course this was a warm and wonderful start!! It is where you can find me most of these frosty nights...the fireplace in my family room with snoring pooches and working on a bottle of red, pile of magazines and books close at hand and music! The second last pic of your own is my dream and most certainly on my wishlist! Here in this house I use the braai of alll things as a fireplace and there is no mantel for practical reasons or that was the male psych but now in the house that I hope to move to there is a proper one and I have always but always wanted a stone on like that in your pic!

    Stay warm and thanks for the lovely post!

    Sending Love



  4. This is an amazing selection of fireplaces. A house would not feel like a home without the warmth of a fireplace during our long dark winter days.

  5. Wow spectacular post!! I am bookmarking this as we are still finalizing mantles for our living and dining, so this is a wonderful post! I know all about those internal glitches too...glad it worked out.

  6. Sharon, so many beautiful images. You out did your self...Love visiting your blog!

  7. Sharon your favorites are my favorites too!! Absolutely beautiful! Have a great week!

  8. I pretty much like them all but if I had to pick a certain kind it would be a stone fireplace.You have great taste Sharon in decor.


  9. Hi Sharon, love the post. Even though it is summer here in Canada, it was cool enough to have a fire last night...Yay! I could light a fire every night, even in the summer. I really liked the moss globes on the stone hearth, but found all sorts of great inspiration! Brenda.

  10. I am sitting by the fire reading this, but sadly without the glass of wine. I have come down with the flu, hence no wine. We have a slow combustion fire and it is really warm, but I would love an open fire with a mantel piece like some of the ones you've shown. Gorgeous inspiration!! Leahx

  11. Hi Sharon, thank you for your lovely comments recently. You've put together a gorgeous collection of fireplaces. I long for one here but there really is nowhere to put one. Hope you're keeping warm, we are trying to here! Rachael xx

  12. Your posts are always worth the wait!! Beautiful!

  13. Sharon, Such lovelies...I am pinning like crazy for future reference. Hard to believe that you guys are in the throws of Winter when it's over 100 degrees here every day right now. XO, Mona

  14. Sounds good to me! I love a beautiful, oversized stone mantel like you show here...maybe in our next house! :)

  15. I always forget while we celebrate summer, you are enjoying winter. Sharon, it's going to be near 100 degrees this weekend in DC, so hard for me to think fireplaces. But, you have posted really lovely photos of gorgeous mantels. My favorites are the beautiful carved stone ones....they have such presence and architectural oomph!! Stay warm! Thanks for sharing those.

  16. Hi Sharon,
    Great images.
    We love an open fire, but hope it's a few months at least before we have to light the first one of the Autumn.
    I particularly like the photo with the multiple vases of flowers on it. A great idea for when a fire place is not in use.
    Hope you have a lovely week.

  17. A beautifull selection of fireplaces ... I'd live in a old house where I had 3 fireplaces. One was for the fire in winter and the others for the books ...
    Bonne journée

  18. Sharon,
    What beautiful fireplaces. We are planning on painting our over-mantel with a fresh coat this weekend. The stone fireplaces are spectacular.

  19. That seventh image is calling my name! Love the chalky, textural feel of it! Great post!

  20. id kill (well not really) for a fireplace in my little cottage. would be so cozy! i love all of those images. just love!
