I find, as I am approaching my half century, I have more of a desire to declutter, pare down, simplify. I want to own less stuff, I want a more steamlined wardrobe and I am drawn to more simple, clean lined and under-furnished interiors. Don't get me wrong - I will never be happy living in a contemporary minimalist, all hard edges and bare surfaces type of environment. I love antiques, I love old oil paintings and mirrors, I love furniture, objects and surfaces with patina and I love imperfection.

I just think that a beautiful piece of furniture or object looks so much better when it has room to breathe. I found these images from the website of American designer Katrin Cargill to illustrate what I mean.

I like the idea of keeping the colours subtle and rather using texture to create interest.

While these spaces are quite sparsely furnished, they are defnitely not cold. Warmth is introduced through the wall treatments, softly draped curtains and subtle colours in the soft furnishings and rugs.

I love the contemporary table and server combined with the opulent chandelier and sconces.

There are no curtains and very little wall adornment, yet this space looks so cozy!

When those shutter doors are closed, this space will instantly look decluttered!

No paintings or mirrors, just beautifully textured walls.

This bedroom must have been quite difficult to furnish with all those windows. Placing the beds in front of the windows, with the window almost creating a headboard for each bed - genius. I love this room.
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.
Till next time
Sharon x
Source : here
Hi Sharon. I smiled when I saw your comment about wanting to de-clutter as you get older....me too. I am finding it hard though. We have such attachments to the things in our life that we have carried around for so long! This post was a little nudge from the universe to dial it all back a bit. Exhale into the beauty of simplicity. Thanks! Brenda.
ReplyDeleteHello, Sharon -
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite designers! She uses the most beautiful Swedish antiques in her interiors. I love every photo....every room!!
Fabulous pictures and rooms. They are all amazing and I could live in any of them very happily. I adore that mirror in the first pic. Hugs, marty
ReplyDeleteI agree Sharon, as I am adopting this policy for our newly renovated home as well! I think warmth can be achieved through addition of different elements and layering texture,.howeve I still adore my collections and vintage finds as you do. Difficult to find that balance until you actually furnish a room, carefully and thoughtfully. I am a bit too much of a purist, and need to just do it purely for my own pleasure and lifestyle...it appears age brings that wisdom! Lovely post, as always, N.xo
ReplyDeleteOh I agree - these photos are beautiful. A simple, quiet life for me please.
ReplyDeleteSharon they're all gorgeous! My fav is that last bedroom and I LOVE the mirror in that first shot! Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteWell.. I've passed that mark :) and I know what you mean! That last bedroom is perfect - love the match box blinds.!
Omgoodness Sharon!! One of my favorite posts ever!! Thanks so much for finding this and she is from Houston!! Hopefully I will get to meet this talented lady!!!xo leslie
ReplyDeleteI am absolutely with you. Her work is fabulous. Well edited...gorgeous elements. And I love the use of blue through-out in these spaces. Have a great week. Mona
ReplyDeleteThis post was written for me! I have it bookmarked! I love her play on neutral gingham. I have been entertaining the idea of adding a touch to our living room. Your designs stories are the best!
ReplyDeleteI'm the same way, after years of collecting and layering, I'm suddenly drawn to calm, less is more spaces. These are beautiful rooms, nice eye candy.
Peace and serenity definitely come to mind as I look at all of these rooms - I think with age we need more and more of that! I absolutely love the dining room with the pale blue slip covers - wow!
ReplyDeleteSharon, These images are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteAlong with color, texture, and limited items I think it is the scale of the furniture, crockery used as vases, candle votives that are bowl sized, extra large floor tiles and lighting fixtures, including the buffalo checked duvet. . . . size matters and makes all these spaces balanced.
I totally get it. Just hit "the half way mark" myself and I'm tiring of all the "stuff" too. It's amazing that you can actually see how beautiful your special pieces are when you remove things that are are around it.
ReplyDeleteSharon, I have been on vacation and missed your lovely blog. I could move into this house. Love it!
ReplyDeleteKatrin Cargill is a fabulously talented designer and stylist in London. She is the genius behind many of the ads for fabric houses such as Sanderson and Cowtan & Tout. She collaborated with very good friend and exceptionally talented designer, Carol Glasser, on these 2 projects. Carol is from Houston.
ReplyDeleteTruly lovely and soothing spaces!