Vivez Bien * Live Well

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Monday Musings - Perfect Potted Plants

Well, we had another visit to the hospital emergency dept this weekend when Ross, our 13 year old son, managed to break 3 bones in his foot. We put him to bed with his newly fitted fracture boot and his phone next to him with instructions to phone if he couldn't sleep or was uncomfortable, as his room is quite far from ours. I lost count of the number of times he phoned last night! So I am not going to add any commentary to this post because I am too tired to really think of anything to say, other than I wish I had greener fingers!

Have a good week.

Till next time.

Sharon x


  1. Sharon so sorry to hear about your son's broken foot!! Hope it heals quickly!
    I love using greenery, especially topiaries!

  2. I really do think that boys come with an instinct for breaking bones...girls not so much;) Hope your son sleeps better tonight(you!). Beautiful shots Sharon; I just wish that my local flower shop sold lovely topiaries like the ones you showed. Take care!

  3. Love all these images!!!

  4. Sharon...I love having fresh herbs at my finger tips. I adore so many of these images.

  5. Sharon...I was so into the beauty of these images that I didn't read your post. When I went back to pin I read about your son...Shoot, sorry about that. Hope he is OK and hope you get some sleep!

  6. Oh No!! Sharon! i hope your son gets better soon, poor foot…
    loved the pictures on your post even though they were silent :)
    x sandra

  7. Sharon,

    I am so sorry to hear about your son. I've been there many times! When they are infants ..we don't sleep, and then it happens again when they are in their teens!

    As always, beautiful images! I like all these neutrals, the patina, and the pops of green.


  8. I too was too busy gobbling up your beautiful pictures, having now read the first bit feel how nice it was o you to take the time to post, even though youare eelling wrung out, best wishes for your son, and hoorah for mobile phones.

  9. Brilliant! I love ornamental plants specially those tall centerpiece. Another lovely inspiration in here. Got my eye on your next posts.

  10. What a gorgeous post -I love potted plants like these. So sorry to hear about your son though...I guess that is life with boys, eh? :) We had a recent trip to the ER too - they aren't fun!

  11. Poor Ross, Poor Sharon, I hope you all can rest comfortably tonight. I've had my share of broken bones and they'll heal. Loved this beautiful post and have you ever noticed a room doesn't look finished until it has a plant in it?

    Take care of both of you and I wish Ross a speedy recovery!

  12. Sharon,
    Sorry to hear about your son's injury. I can only imagine how tired you are. Love the topiary's you've shared and think I need to bust out and get a couple for my kitchen window.

  13. A gorgeous post! I love all the topiaries and specimen plants. Wishing Ross a speedy recovery!
    Take care,

  14. Sharon..what a beautiful post. I am bookmarking it,love every single image!! Hoping your son is feeling better and on the mend very very soon. Not easy for an energetic 13 year old to not be able to get around like hes used to, so hope hes up and about soon!

  15. PS Added you to my blogroll this morning:)

  16. Une plante dans la maison et c'est le jardin qui s'invite dans l’intérieur ... Ces photos sont superbes ! Merci et excellent week-end.

  17. OUCH! How did he DO that? Good thing he has 23 more that AREN'T broken! LOL!
    I have missed you...hope you are well.


  18. I am a fellow Francophile living in California. What a joy to find you via Pinterest! You have a lovely blog and I will be following it, too. Merci bien! Et Vivez bien!

  19. I love all these images. It never fails to amaze me how just the teeniest, tiniest touch of green completely brings any room or vignette to life!
    I hope your lad is up and about again soon.


  20. Such inspiring and beautiful images!

  21. Thank you for inspiring us!! The pictures are really very beautiful!
